Healing is God's Will
October Ministry
October 11th to 13th I attended the “Be Bold for Jesus Conference” in Spokane, WA with a friend and her daughter, Sheryl and Opal. It was a time to sit, reflect, and be re-charged to continue on. Every conference speaker had a “word in season” spoken with boldness to GO into the areas and places of influences that the Lord has opened doors, for each one of us, to share the message of Salvation, Healing & Deliverance.
I came home blessed, refreshed and charged up to go further, deeper and higher with the Lord. Not to run ahead and not to lag behind but to be in step with the Lord as He leads. We scheduled in some sight seeing into this road trip which included a very enjoyable drive to Coeur d’Alene in Idaho and a visit to the reindeer farm in Leavenworth.
Everyone who has heard my personal testimony of healing would know that going on road trips and travelling would have been a ‘no no’ decades ago but now its a ‘yes yes’ with the Lord. A camera would not be able to capture the unusual astounding scenery we saw on the way to and from Spokane. God created all of it for us to freely enjoy.
On October 20th I taught from Acts 3 & 4 and ministered at a local church in Surrey at their Healing Service. It was an honour and a privilege to be invited to share God’s healing Word and pray for and with people who came up for prayer after the teaching. Healing IS God’s will for us today.
On October 26th, I shared a brief testimony at the 45th Ministry Anniversary of Eternity Club Fellowship. Pastor Audrey continues to preach the Word with power, boldness and authority and it is a blessing to know Pastor Audrey.
October 27th – We went to Surrey Memorial hospital to pray for a friend’s husband. We are firmly standing on God’s healing Word for a full recovery and optimal health and quality of life in Jesus name.
Our Thursday Bible Studies are continuing with friends joining us from New Jersey & Florida even though there is a 3 hour time difference. It’s a joy to study together! We have also added reading of the Scriptures after the study, with each person reading. We started with Matthew and stopped at Luke chapter 20 at the last meeting. We hope to read through the 4 Gospels before we take a short break for Christmas. Do join us on zoom if you are free at 7pm PST on Thursday. The meeting ends around 8:30pm PST.
I am praying and looking forward to the last 2 months of this year, to finish well as we get ready for 2025. Thank you for standing with us and supporting through prayer, volunteering and donations to share the Gospel in places that the Lord has opened for us.
With joy,
Sound of the Lord Mission
What does your “Spiritual Pulse” say about you?
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me, and know my thoughts;
24 And see if there be any wicked way in me,
And lead me in the way everlasting.The caregiver looked intently at her watch with her finger on my friend’s wrist. I was visiting a dear friend of mine in hospital. I watched as her pulse was taken. Someone’s pulse tells you important information about their health. Any deviation from a normal heartrate can indicate some health issue.
Sometimes I wish we all had a spiritual pulse that we can check occasionally, just to make sure we are in God’s perfect will and everything is okay.
Whether you have a flourishing ministry reaching thousands, or there’s only time to send up quick prayers between changing diapers and wiping drool as a new mom, taking your spiritual pulse periodically is a good practice. It’s a method of evaluating your spiritual health, that keeps you grounded and rooted in your faith. It allows you to zoom in on any potentially stunted or stagnant areas in your life that need to be examined in God’s light.
1 Thessalonians 5:21
Test all things; hold fast that which is good.
Just like our body does not immediately show signs that something is amiss, our relationship with our Father can begin to crumble, decay and stagnate, buried under layers of busyness, church programs, and going through the motions of life. If we don’t take the time to intentionally check our spiritual pulse, we can end up frustrated, disappointed and deceived.
Here are 10 questions we can ask ourselves.
- Do I meditate on the Word consistently?
- Do I spend enough time praying for my own needs?
- Has my ministry/life become a sole proprietorship rather than a partnership with Christ?
- Do I have an inner circle of believers to whom I am accountable and receive godly counsel when needed?
- Am I growing in knowledge, truth, wisdom and understanding?
- Am I sacrificing my personal growth as a believer for the sake of ministering to others, work, family responsibilities or any other reason?
- Is my personal life reflecting Christ when no one is watching?
- Are there consistent negative emotions that I’m justifying because It’s been that way for so long?
- Are there habitual negative thought patterns that are still keeping me tied to the past in some areas?
- Can I see tangible ways I’ve grown and matured as a person?
This is by no means an exhaustive list, but a few questions that can indicate one’s spiritual health.
It is also important that we don’t use this practice to make a list of all our flaws and failures, and begin stressing and lamenting over goals that have not been met. That would defeat the purpose and will leave us overwhelmed with condemnation.
Throughout this process, we must never lose sight of the fact that our Father is loving and gentle, never expecting perfection that will push us beyond our limits, encouraging us to draw closer to Him, ready to forgive, a God who never belittles, always willing to heal, restore and realign us back into His perfect will.
As we near the end of 2024, I encourage you to take a few days to put your finger on your spiritual pulse and see what it tells you. Be honest with your answers. Is your ‘heartrate’ erratic, slow or irregular? Then it’s time to take stock of why’s it’s that way and realign through prayer and returning to the feet of the Master.
Psalm 19:12-13
12 Who can understand his errors? cleanse Thou me from secret faults.
13 Keep back Thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.
I pray the Lord will show you any hidden secret faults and presumptuous sins that have lingered unnoticed, and pave the way to enter into an abundant life, through the regular habit of taking your spiritual pulseIn His Service,
Sohani Faria
Sound of the Lord Mission
We would love to pray for & with you!
Prayer requests can be emailed to
Redeem the time and maintain a strong prayer life. Stay Blessed!
Rochelle Soza
Founder, Sound of the Lord Mission