April 20, 2021

He Is Risen!

1 John 1:7

But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.

This month we celebrated Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. But what is the significance of this holiday in today’s context? To some, it’s a day off from work, to others it’s another reason to celebrate with family and friends.

Do we truly know the significance of this day?

Blood has a voice and has the power to speak. When Cain killed Abel, God said in Gen 4:10
The Lord said, What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the ground.

In the same way the Blood of Jesus offered on the altar, on the mercy seat as a sweet incense before God cried out for mercy and grace for you and me. The Redemptive blood of Jesus.

The finished work of Jesus on the cross made a Way for us to be redeemed by Him. Gave us the Truth so we can have eternal Life through His sacrificial death and resurrection.

Are you still living under the law? Are you allowing the enemy to remind you of your past? Your failures, regrets, defeats? Christ died to give you freedom from all of this.

Shake off the dust of the past and move forward. It is for this reason we celebrate the resurrection of Christ. That through the offering of a lamb spotless from sin, that we would be reconciled to the Father. No sin or bondage is above the redemptive power of Christ.

“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” Ephesians 1:7.

There is power in the blood of the Lamb.

Today I declare over you that you are an overcomer, you can overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of your testimony.

Whatever you are facing right now, whether the battle is in your mind, your flesh or with others, you will overcome.

The battle is the Lord’s and the victory is yours!

In Christ,

Sohani Faria
Sound of the Lord Mission

April 2021 Ministry 

This month we did 3 outreaches. 150 people were impacted for the Gospel as we ministered to 50 people in each outreach.

As I was preparing this Newsletter a few days ago, I suddenly remembered an open vision that I had, at a sleepover in a friend’s home on November 5, 2018. We met at her place to pray for an overseas mission trip that we were going on, later that month.

As I went to the guest room to sleep, I heard my friend playing her harp and as the music wafted into my room, wide awake, I had an open vision of a beautiful pure silver bowl, smooth on the inside with beautiful intricate carving on the outside. It had no handles, it was an oval shaped bowl. The bowl was empty. The image was stunning. It spoke of purity, of something divine and I knew the Lord was speaking to me through this picture.

I told my friend about it the next morning and she said silver is Redemption. Redemption of souls, redemption of our past, redemption of anything and everything that needs to be redeemed. She then said she had two visions. The first was of 3 sheep, one was up close and personal and looking at her intently. The second vision was of a woman carrying a big fish under her arm. All 3 visions – mine and hers were symbolic of saving of souls. We were both so excited as we discussed what we had seen.

As we did the street outreaches in Surrey this month, I noticed that the number of people on the streets had increased.  They need to know that Jesus loves them, has not forgotten them. He sees them. Through whoever is willing to go, His mercy is unconditionally extended to each person.

Some of them recognised us as we have gone out so many times now during the past months and were glad to receive the lunches.

May each of the people we ministered to, receive the free gift of salvation, healing, deliverance, and be redeemed in Jesus name.

Please pray with us as we continue the work of the ministry. The one who sowed by going and the one who sent the sower will receive the same reward – I believe this wholeheartedly. It is impossible to do this ministry otherwise. Below are some pictures from the outreaches in April.

With joy,

Rochelle Soza
Sound of the Lord Mission

April 3rd – Phoenix Society, Surrey BC

As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, we decided to encourage 50 men and women who are going through the 90 day Rehab program at Phoenix Society.

Each person received a bag of snacks and treats to let them know there are people who care, people who are cheering them on through their rehab. We assembled the care packs in a team member’s home and  delivered it to their facility. The 2nd picture is Phoenix Staff – they sent us the picture to say “thank you” and we  extend their thanks  to you too, because you have partnered with us in doing the Word of the Lord  and made it possible for us to go……. to God be the glory, honour, thanks and praise, hallelujah!

April 4th – Street Ministry, Surrey BC

Resurrection Sunday! Your generosity made it possible for us to provide 50 full meals plus treats to people who were on the streets. Time and again we hear them asking for food. We see more and more people on the streets as some have lost employment, businesses and their savings have disappeared.

The Lord provided food for multitudes miraculously. He did not ask them if they believed in Him before giving them the fish and loaves. He did not make any conditions – He loved on people, took care of their basic needs. Sometimes we give out only food sometimes we give food with tracts, daily bread booklets or the Gospel of John. We will plant as many seeds as we can, they will be watered and God will give the increase. All for His glory!

April 18th – Street Ministry in Surrey, BC

A beautiful sunny day! I don’t know who was more blessed. I know I have said this before but it warrants repeating. Our ministry team or the people receiving the food. Both I believe. We were glad to be out and about our Father’s business and the people were glad to receive a yummy lunch!

Thank You!

Thank you for sending us into the harvest field. We are seeing first hand the need for street ministry which is why the Lord said to go into the highways and byways as the poor we will have with us always.

Please feel free to forward this newsletter to any of your family and friends.

We are thankful for the team that the Lord has joined together as Sound of the Lord Mission. Grateful thanks and blessings on everyone going on the street outreaches, for praying, attending our Bible Study on Thursday evenings, volunteering  time on the Board and in so many other ways, giving financially to help us feed the poor and providing everyday essentials to people who are in need.

This is a picture of the body of Christ coming together, in a small way but making big waves 🙂 That’s what happens when the Lord is in the Centre of it all!

We give honour, praise and glory to the Lord!
Sound of the Lord Missions Team

Missionary – Justine Gensaya

Justine is our multi-talented missionary with a passion to travel and experience the flavours, sights and sounds of the nations. This picture was taken in Park Guell, Spain during one of her international adventures.

Justine works in the Airline Industry at YVR, so you may have seen her before you take off on your travels and if not, you may see her on your next overseas trip! She is the youngest of 3 siblings, daughter of Rex and Cris Gensaya.

Blessed with an amazingly friendly personality, Justine has a smile for everyone!! Her love for the Lord and missionary work has been witnessed by our team first-hand as she joins us on our street ministry outreaches to distribute Care Packs and the Gospel of Good News to those who desperately need it the most.

Justine is no doubt a trail blazer as she encourages other youth to join the ministry and serve the Lord in His harvest field.

Partnering With Us

1 Chronicles 16:34

Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His mercy endures forever!

Your encouragement and support is very much appreciated. Please continue to provide feedback so that we can improve and strive to minister with excellence.

To everyone who has asked how you can join/partner/help to minister, here are some ways you can consider.

Pray for the Mission as we continue to serve the Lord. Pray for the people who need care and that as we sow the Word those receiving the Gospel will “Behold the Lamb of God”.

We invite you to add your offering to ours so it multiplies and empowers us to go further and help more people.

E-transfer to soundofthelordmission@gmail.com

Chequesin favour of Sound of the Lord Foundation
PO Box 33507
Central City PO Surrey, BC V3T 5R5
Both Canadian and US dollar cheques can be banked into the ministry account.

Pre-Authorised Debit – Please email us at soundofthelordmission@gmail.com. We will contact you to set up the pre-authorised debit with our ministry bank account.

Items If you prefer to donate items, which we can distribute, please contact us.

Kindly note that we are registered as a Non-Profit, not a Charity. As such, we cannot provide year end tax receipts for government refunds.

We believe that the Lord is our Financial Planner & Provider both for the ministry and for all of us individually.

2 Corinthians 9:10 & 11
Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for  food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness, while you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God.

We would be happy to pray for & with you!

We would love to pray for you for any specific prayer requests and support you on your journey as you obey the Lord  in what He has called you to do. Please feel free to reach out to us.

We pray for every person on our Newsletter email list!

Please email your prayer requests to soundofthelordmission@gmail.com

Mark 11: 23 & 24
For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. 24 Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.

REACH FORWARD this year into everything the Lord has assigned for you!

Redeem the time and maintain a strong prayer life. Stay Blessed!
Rochelle Soza
Founder, Sound of the Lord Mission

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