2024 The Year of Abiding in the Lord
John 15: 6 – 10
If a man abide not in Me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. If ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Herein is My Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be My disciples.
A bridge lies before me
From last year, to the new,
I crossover, uncertain
My path hidden from view.
I glance over my shoulder
At the year that’s gone by,
Regrets, and losses,
With a heavy heart I sigh.
Longings not fulfilled
And prayers locked in jars,
Dreams have been dreamt
that have not come to pass.
I face another crossroad
But which way do I go?
My mind in such turmoil
My way I don’t know.
I glance to my side
And lock eyes with my King,
He still walks beside me,
My heart starts to sing.
His eyes speak the language
Of a love so divine,
My hand held in His said
“My child, you are Mine”.
Suddenly, It dawned
Though His love wants to steer,
If I choose not to abide
From His side I will veer
Looking back at mistakes
And plans on my own
I realize I had done much
But done it, alone.
So this year I choose
To stay close by His side,
His Word as my anchor
In His will, I abide.
As we joyfully face the beginning of another year, let’s look back and consider the decisions and choices we have made along the way, that is a reflection of where we stand today.
Did we truly take time to abide in His presence daily? Abiding is a constant state. It is not rushing in and out when time permits.
When we learn to abide daily by His side, our assignments in the Kingdom of God is done with joy, and we run the race that is set before us with confidence in His leading.
Too often, we use the grace and mercy of God to absolve ourselves from taking responsibility for our lack of discipline, setting boundaries and self-awareness.
Personally, I can look back at certain areas in my life and can honestly say I have not accomplished much because I tried to achieve it in my own strength.
This year let’s make a conscious decision to be still and abide daily in His presence before we charge through our day. Instead of rushing to do things for Him, try to do things with Him.
As you cross the bridge to 2024, be still and know that your Redeemer is beside you. It is His will to see you walking in perfect health in body, soul and mind, as you abide daily within His embrace.
Wishing you all a year filled with unexpected, supernatural blessings as you abide in the presence of your Redeemer.
In His Service,
Sohani Faria
Sound of the Lord Mission
We would love to pray for & with you!
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Redeem the time and maintain a strong prayer life. Stay Blessed!
Rochelle Soza
Founder, Sound of the Lord Mission