2nd Ministry Anniversary Celebration
2nd Ministry Anniversary Celebration
On July 16th we gathered at the Steveston Community Park to celebrate and give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for 2 amazing years of ministry. What we have done to date has been miraculous as we stepped out on one Word… Go!
The title of the message I shared was “The Name of Jesus”
Philippians 2:9 & 10
9 Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
The name of Jesus is above every diagnosed and undiagnosed sickness, above every challenge, problem and situation that we may face. Speak His name, decree His name, pray His name over yourself and others.
Mark 16: 17 & 18
17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
Jesus has given us power of attorney to go in His name, to believe and set people free in His name. He has authorised and empowered every Believer to speak His name and pray in His name.
Have you heard the phrase “name dropping”? The Soza family has some influence in certain places. Your family may also be well known. However, our influence in our name is limited. The name of Jesus has influence in every realm everywhere and over every situation – unlimited, eternal influence and He has given us the power to go in His name!.
Several years ago I was dozing off to sleep at night when suddenly I felt as if someone was pushing down on my lungs and throat trying to stop my breathing. Instantly I was wide awake and all I could say was “Jesus” and immediately it lifted off and I was able to breathe. I thought of calling someone in Sri Lanka (because night time in Canada is already the next day morning in Sri Lanka) and asking them to pray for me but then I sensed the Lord saying, “No, why don’t you pray”. So I got up, switched on all the lights and started praying in the spirit. I asked the Lord why did that happen and why was it allowed? This is what I sensed the Lord said to me “You have power in MY NAME over demons, I wanted you to know that”.
Greater is the Lord who is in us than he who is in the world. Every Believer has been given the authority and the power to decree, speak, sing and pray the Name above all names, the name of the One who is highly exalted. His name is JESUS!
I have shared some pictures from our 2nd anniversary. Here are some highlights:
A missionary from our team witnessed to a lady in Steveston village.
It was supposed to rain that day but the Lord held the rain back.
We had a pinata with a chain wrapped around it. Adults were given a noodle (this was hilarious :)) and the children had the usual stick to whack it with while the song “break every chain” was playing. Of course there were goodies when it finally broke.
We had a blast!! Food, fun and fellowship. From start to finish God’s manifest presence was with us. Divine connections, witnessing, decreeing Jesus’ name and the Word over Steveston Village, Worship and Prayer.
I am so thankful for the ministry team and everyone connected to us. If you are reading this Newsletter, that includes you.
God bless you and your family abundantly!
With joy,
Rochelle Soza
Sound of the Lord Mission
The Rose Plant Lesson
“Your rose plant is dying”.
My daughter’s words echoed in my ears as I looked forlornly at my brown leafed rose plant last week. I was witnessing the result of my neglect. I had not tended to its needs throughout the winter months by watering it occasionally, which was required to keep it nourished until it was the season to bud and flower in summer.
The pride of my potted deck plants which had given me so many shades of pink flowers in the previous years was almost dead due to my carelessness.
Would you agree the fruit of the Spirit also need to be tended to, daily, so it can bear fruit so that others can be blessed? We mislead ourselves when we imagine the fruit will somehow grow instantly when we pray.
As much as faith without works is dead, so is prayer without practice/action. There is an expectation on our part to maintain the fruit by practicing it daily. We must keep the soil of our hearts healthy with the Word and weed out ungodly attributes that could take over if left unchecked.
John 15:8
Herein is My Father glorified, that you bear much fruit; so shall you be My disciples.
Daily, there will be plenty of opportunities to live out the fruit of the Spirit so it becomes a habit that will eventually become part of our nature. This is the renewed life that will bear much fruit for the glory of God.
Patience is needed to deal with those unkind remarks from your co-worker, kindness is needed when we see a homeless person sitting at the street corner, love is needed when family members push our buttons. The list is endless. The more we nurture and grow the fruit of the Spirit, the more we can reveal Christ in us and edify, exhort and encourage others.
This summer I will be reminded of this truth each time I glance at my nearly dead rose plant. I do believe I can still pray and revive my plant but I must also make the effort to water it daily.
It’s time for me to turn over a new leaf in this area :).
In Him
Sohani Faria
Sound of the Lord Mission
We invite you to add your offering to ours so it multiplies and empowers us to go further and help more people.
E-transfer to soundofthelordmission@gmail.com
Website https://soundofthelordmission.com/donate/
Cheques in favour of Sound of the Lord Foundation
Mailing address: PO Box 33507 Central City PO Surrey, BC V3T 5R5 Canada
Pre-Authorized Debit – Email soundofthelordmission@gmail.com
We will contact you to set up the pre-authorised debit with our ministry bank account.
Items If you prefer to donate items that we can distribute, please contact us.
Please note that we are registered as a Non-Profit, not a Charity. As such, we cannot provide tax receipts for government refunds at the end of the year.
Thank you!
Be Blessed & Stay Blessed
Let us pray:
- That we will all take time to care for ourselves as we care for others. Our bodies are not designed to work 24/7.
- For our families – those who are yet to receive salvation.
- That we will live and minister with a spirit of excellence.
- For Volunteers to join us to help with administrative tasks, and to go on outreaches.
- For every person who has received a Gospel, Tract, Bible, Daily Bread booklet, that they will behold Jesus as Saviour and Lord.
- For our ministry team, families, donors, supporters and newsletter connections.
We would be happy to pray for & with you!
Prayer requests can be emailed to
Redeem the time and maintain a strong prayer life. Stay Blessed!
Rochelle Soza
Founder, Sound of the Lord Mission