Being Thankful
Being Thankful
1 Thessalonians 5:16 – 18
16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Many years ago while I was living in Sri Lanka battling all the medical issues, in pain and discomfort, feeling angry sometimes and sorry for myself, constantly talking about how sick I was and how unfair life was, Pastor Allan Fraser, my pastor in Sri Lanka, called me one day.
As soon as I heard his voice I started on the self-pity party monologue again, until Pastor Allan suddenly said “Rochelle! Stop complaining, stop grumbling and BE THANKFUL for what you CAN do”. I will never forget this conversation.
Then Pastor Allan asked me to start praying for other people. I was annoyed when I heard this but of course I did not say anything to him. I myself needed prayer for healing so how can I pray for other people? Who would want me to pray for them anyway? Almost everyone at The Christian Centre Ratmalana, Sri Lanka, knew I was sick, so why would anyone ask me to pray for them? All these questions rushed through my mind but I did not voice them to Pastor Allan.
I had, and still have the highest respect for Pastor Allan so I agreed to pray for other people. I also knew that Pastor Allan & Sis Lalitha were praying for me and were going above and beyond to help me get better. He announced it in church and my phone number was given, so little by little I started getting prayer requests, and after some time I realised that I had stopped grumbling and my mind was off of me, and more on the Lord, on helping other people and on ministry. No one ever, to this day, has said to me “how can you pray for me when you yourself are sick?”. Some of the prayer requests were for healing. I am so thankful that I decided to heed the advice I was given and act on it.
The self-pity factory that was operating at full speed working overtime was shut down!! It was I who shut it down. It did not happen overnight but over a period of time. I realised I had a choice. I can choose to live the rest of my life regretfully or I can BE THANKFUL for what I CAN do through the Lord and fulfil God’s calling on my life.
I thank God for Pastor Allan & Sis Lalitha, Pastor Roshan, Shanis and so many people God placed in my life who have encouraged & corrected me, helped in various ways, taught me the Word and have invested years of their time in my life. I am so thankful. #iwillneverforget.
I volunteered to serve in many areas in The Christian Centre and was also enjoying organising seminars, conferences and other events for the church and as a Chartered Secretary, I was qualified to register other churches, which I did.
Fast forward…….. getting better and better the more I renew my mind (still renewing, today) with the Word, and helping other people through ministry. For all that I missed out on, I asked the Lord to let me travel and God answered that prayer, continuing to answer that prayer.
I have travelled to Bahrain many times, Dubai, Chicago, Singapore, Korea, Hong Kong, Las Vegas – mission trip, Vietnam – mission trip, Australia, Israel, many places in the US, Alaska, moved to Canada in 2003, went to Bible School in 2018 to New Jersey and graduated with a Diploma in Biblical Studies.
Preached on the Holland America Cruise Liner in 2018 to about 40 people, wrote and published my first book in 2020 “Who Are You Wearing”, registered Sound of the Lord Foundation in 2020 and doing street ministry in the area I live in today with an amazing team of faithful family and friends. This is a brief snapshot of highlights of what has been happening since I took my mind off of myself and heeded Pastor Allan’s advice.
Living in Canada now, my life is still a work in progress and there have been many challenges to overcome. I don’t drive so that means going to work by bus, skytrain, whether sunny or in the rain, getting wet, arriving at work with frozen hands and feet during winter day after day and facing numerous other challenges. BUT GOD gives the strength to live the overcoming life.
Today, I can say with certainty I love what I am doing, enjoying every opportunity to be a missionary to “whosoever will believe and receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ”.
Friends, we have a choice. Let’s all heed Pastor Allan’s words and “Be Thankful”. As we celebrate Thanksgiving this year, let us remember the goodness of the Lord and worship Him, exalt His name! To God be the glory!
With joy,
Rochelle Soza
Sound of the Lord Mission
These are 2 of the boxes that have been gifted. Below are the cards. You can write something about yourself, about the country you live in and refer to the toys and gifts in the box. We will hand over all the boxes by the 1st week of November so that the Samaritan’s Purse staff will have time to ship them to the children in time for Christmas. Sound of the Lord Mission will cover the $10 shipping cost per box.
God bless you all for blessing the lives of precious children. Hallelujah!

We invite you to add your offering to ours so it multiplies and empowers us to go further and help more people.
E-transfer to soundofthelordmission@gmail.com
Website https://soundofthelordmission.com/donate/
Cheques in favour of Sound of the Lord Foundation
Mailing address: PO Box 33507 Central City PO Surrey, BC V3T 5R5 Canada
Pre-Authorized Debit – Email soundofthelordmission@gmail.com
We will contact you to set up the pre-authorised debit with our ministry bank account.
Items If you prefer to donate items that we can distribute, please contact us.
Please note that we are registered as a Non-Profit, not a Charity. As such, we cannot provide tax receipts for government refunds at the end of the year.
Thank you!
Be Blessed & Stay Blessed
Let us pray:
- For the children in our communities, nations. The enemy is after young minds in a world that is evil. We MUST pray for children. Pray for the children receiving the Christmas shoeboxes that they and their families will receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour -the Greatest Gift anyone can receive.
- For our families – those who are yet to receive salvation.
- For Volunteers to join us to help with administrative tasks, and to go on outreaches.
- For every person who has received a Gospel, Tract, Bible, Daily Bread booklet, that they will behold Jesus as Saviour and Lord.
- For our ministry team, families, donors, supporters and newsletter connections.
We would love to pray for & with you!
Prayer requests can be emailed to
Redeem the time and maintain a strong prayer life. Stay Blessed!
Rochelle Soza
Founder, Sound of the Lord Mission