June Street Ministry Outreach - Surrey BC
Cris, Justine and I witnessed first-hand the look of desperation and hopelessness on the faces of some of the people we spoke with. We are all well aware of how the cost of living has skyrocketed and impacted all our lives. Imagine living on the streets at a time like this.
I prayed with Carline who was seated on the road, eating the dinner sandwich which was in the Care Pack we gave her. She told me she lives on the street. I asked her what her spiritual belief is and she told me she knows there is a Creator. I was then able to pick up on that and shared with her, yes His name is Jesus and then prayed in His name.
Matthew 25:34-35
34 Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: 35 for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in;
Thank you for sending us. May the Lord bless us all as we work together in our Father’s Business of sharing the Gospel and bringing the ministry of HIS mercy, love and compassion to the streets.
With Joy,
Sound of the Lord Mission
At some point or another, we have all given a ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ on social media. With one click, we voice our approval or disapproval. Our perceptions, convictions, opinions and past experiences all play a part in determining that response.
But what about the people that get our not so obvious silent ‘dislike’? We might bump into someone in the grocery aisle and our facial expression and polite conversation with them belie the repeated ‘dislike’ button being pressed in our hearts and minds. Or we listen to a messenger of God, who has had bad reviews and we automatically group them with the ‘dislike’ lot and throw out the divinely inspired message with them into the same lot.
Personally, I sometimes catch myself doing the same thing.
Jeremiah 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Becoming a believer by accepting Christ is immediate but the process of sanctification of the soul takes a lifetime.
It is detrimental to our walk with the Lord when we don’t guard our hearts and minds against such thoughts, attitudes and perceptions, and allow them to choke the the very thing that God, in His infinite wisdom, is trying to accomplish in our lives.
Yield, and don’t shy back from the loving hand of the Father, who holds the shears to prune, peel and uproot weeds in our hearts that the enemy, and our own flesh plants, the ‘old man’ habits that stifle the Word of God and His divine seeds.
If we submit to this process daily, we will see our lives blossom under the gentle guiding hand of the divine Gardener. He will make us conduits of living waters that bubble, and spill over to refresh others, as He refreshes us.
Romans 14:19
Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.
The next time I see someone or hear something that has warranted a habitual ‘dislike’ in the past, I’ve decided to ask the Holy Spirit to help me guard my mind and cultivate a new habit of thinking like Christ.
In His Service,
Sohani Faria
Sound of the Lord Mission
We are happy to inform that we have raised $400 which is 40% of our $1,000 goal to bless a child through Make A Wish Foundation which is an organisation that grants wishes to children who are terminally ill. Let us in addition, pray that the children be completely healed in Jesus’ name because the Word of God can re-diagnose a condition and declare ‘Healed” in the name of Jesus so that the children will receive a double blessing!.
We invite you to add your offering to ours so it multiplies and empowers us to go further and help more people.
E-transfer to soundofthelordmission@gmail.com
Website https://soundofthelordmission.com/donate/
Cheques in favour of Sound of the Lord Foundation
Mailing address: PO Box 33507 Central City PO Surrey, BC V3T 5R5 Canada
Pre-Authorized Debit Email us at soundofthelordmission@gmail.com
We will contact you to set up the pre-authorised debit with our ministry bank account.
Items If you prefer to donate items that we can distribute, please contact us.
Please note that we are registered as a Non-Profit, not a Charity. As such, we cannot provide tax receipts for government refunds at the end of the year.
Thank you!
Be Blessed & Stay Blessed
Let us pray:
- That Believers will stay focussed on the Lord & His work.
- Our 2nd Ministry Anniversary event on July 16, 2022.
- For our families – those who are yet to receive salvation.
- That we will reach our goal of $1,000 – Make A Wish Fundraiser.
- That we will live and minister with a spirit of excellence.
- For Volunteers to join us to help with administrative tasks, and to go on outreaches.
- For every person who has received a Gospel, Tract, Bible, Daily Bread booklet, that they will behold Jesus as Saviour and Lord.
- For our ministry team, families, donors, supporters and newsletter connections.
We would be happy to pray for & with you!
Prayer requests can be emailed to
Redeem the time and maintain a strong prayer life. Stay Blessed!
Rochelle Soza
Founder, Sound of the Lord Mission