Raising The Next Generation
Raising The Next Generation
When I became a mom for the first time in 2006, I was not prepared for the demand’s motherhood placed on me. It was physically exhausting and mentally draining. I had to learn through trial and error. In those first few days after birth, I was confused why this little person I loved so much was still crying after I had fed, bathed, and changed her diaper 3 times.
Most days I felt helpless that I could not do anything to soothe and comfort her. Without being told through words, I was expected to figure out why she was crying and meet that need. It took me a few months to figure out that every time she cried, it was not because I was doing something wrong.
Fast forward to the twos, pre-teens, and teen years, their needs don’t seem to change much. As they navigate their growing pains into adulthood, they still want their moms to understand their big emotions without verbalizing them, and unless we are anchored in God’s love for us, we will fail them when they need us the most. We will either react, and make their issues worse, or engage in self-condemnation when they make poor choices in life.
But just like Mary, the mother of Jesus, kept things in her heart when a prophecy was given over her newborn son, we too must be wise to know when we should guard things in our hearts and take them to our prayer closet, and when we should step in and guide them.
Luke 2: 19
But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.
Unless we partner with the Holy Spirit, we will not be able to raise a generation of God-fearing children.
However, there is no such thing as a perfect mom. Only God is perfect in His love. So, it is highly likely that our style of mothering or the things we may have said or done too hastily, have brought on hurts.
Be humble to confess to God and to them, because there is nothing more healing for our children to hear than “I’m sorry” from a mom. It could replace years of praying and lost time with our kids.
I encourage you to stand strong and stand still. Be still and know that HE is God and He can do far more in a child’s life with a mother who partners with His divine plan for them than with a mother who gives into worry and angst, which I did for years. So, wherever you are on your mom’s journey, know that God loves you deeply and immeasurably.
Your value as God’s daughter is not measured by the success of your children.
David is not our perfect role model as a parent because his son Absalom tried to kill him, yet the Lord called him a man after God’s own heart. The Lord is asking us to partner with Him in raising the next generation of kingdom warriors. And if they are at a stage where they will not take instruction from us, then trust our heavenly Father to keep His promise.
Isaiah 54:13
13 And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children.
Happy Mother’s Day to all you beautiful women out there. Go celebrate YOU.
In His Service,
Sohani Faria
Sound of the Lord Mission
Easter Outreach in Whalley
On Saturday, April 8th 2023 together with NightShift Street Ministries, we served a sit down Easter Dinner in the NS facility to over 100 street friends.
Many of us would not think twice if we would like to go to our favourite restaurants with family and friends, sit down, and order what we like and be served.
There is a whole community of people living on the streets who do not have the opportunity to enjoy a sit down meal. What we consider as part and parcel of our lives is a luxury for these precious people.
NightShift Street Ministries which is doing amazing work amongst the community that lives on the streets provided the Easter Dinner and Sound of the Lord Mission provided desserts, coffee, toques and the Gospel of John which carries the Greatest Gift – the story of redemption through Jesus our Saviour and Lord.
Everyone also received goodie bags and it was a fun evening!. I would like to encourage us to remember that Jesus loves unconditionally and we are called to ‘do’ the Word and not be hearers only.
In 1 John 3:16 – 18 it is written:
16 “By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. 17 But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? 18 My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.”
The Lord blesses us so that we in turn can be a blessing. Look for opportunities to be a blessing to someone. They are there everyday – we must live with our eyes and hands open. BE the salt and the light. God bless you.
Happy Mother’s Day!
With joy,
Rochelle Soza
Sound of the Lord Mission
Ministry to immigrant families in Richmond
Sound of the Lord mission has been helping immigrant families by providing groceries, school supplies and toys for the children occasionally.
We try to help 2-3 families per month. Their biggest struggle is housing and employment. With the cost of living soaring, many families have even cut back on having 3 meals a day.
There is usually a language barrier as well which is an obstacle to finding employment. We have assisted families from the Ukraine, Palestine, Iran and Africa to date. We will continue with this ministry as the Lord provides.
Thank you for your generous donations and support to the ministry which makes it possible for us to serve the people around us who are facing challenging situations. The Lord richly bless you for your faithfulness and kindness.
The families that receive these gifts are so humble and show their gratitude with what little English they know. It is heartwarming to see the excitement in the children, when we place the toys in their hands.
May the name of Jesus be lifted high in all that we do in His name!
Richmond Ministry Team
Redeem the time and maintain a strong prayer life. Stay Blessed!
Rochelle Soza
Founder, Sound of the Lord Mission