Street Ministry in Whalley BC, July 2023
Street Ministry in Whalley BC, July 2023
July 15th was a sweltering hot afternoon! Cris and I went on the streets with water in iced coolers, ginger ale, yogurt and 25 care packs with a tasty chicken sandwich, bananas, oranges, and the Gospel of John.
We met Emily who looked as if she was about to pass out from dehydration. This is what she said to us “There are many churches in Surrey but nobody cares for us”. We assured her that we do care, and that is why we are out in the hot sun, giving bottles of iced water and the care packs. Emily then pointed out other people who were seated on the ground who could not come to where we had parked the truck. We made sure that everyone who was there received water and care packs.
We met a couple who was seated under the shade of a tree who told us “keep doing what you are doing” when they received the water and the care packs.
There were other people who, when they realised that we were giving iced water, came up to us, to ask for water. They did not ask for money or food. Only water. This reminds me of the story of the woman of Samaria.
John 4: 13 & 14
13 Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, 14 but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”
Jesus also said;
John 7: 38
He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”
Friends, we must allow the living water that is in us, to flow out to those who are spiritually thirsty. I pray that through the Holy Spirit, we will continue to minister the compassion, love and mercy of Jesus to everyone we meet. There are people from all walks of life who are searching for Truth. Jesus is the Truth. Let us share the Good News, the Living Water so that many will come to know Him as Saviour and Lord.
We gave out 25 care packs today. Thank you for partnering with us to sow the seed of the Word of God and bring some relief to people living on the streets and people in dire need of help.
Below are some pictures from the July 15th street ministry. We drove around Whalley and sometimes stopped for one person. Please pray for more people to join us to go out on street ministry. Thank you.
If you would like to have someone pray with you, please contact us through soundofthelordmission@gmail.com or you can also text me directly on 778 927 2027.
With joy,
Rochelle Soza
Sound of the Lord Mission
Blessings in Disguise
Proverbs 3: 5 & 6
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.
As we left Vancouver Airport en-route to Madeira Portugal, little did I know that we will not be landing there on the scheduled date and time. As we neared the airport for landing, the captain announced it was too dangerous to attempt a landing due to a wind storm and instead we landed at Porto Santos, a nearby island.
After sitting on the runway for 2 hours cooped up with 150 disgruntled passengers waiting for the wind storm to cease, it was clear that the storm was not going to let up.
The airline scrambled frantically trying to find overnight accommodation for 150 passengers and it was announced that we would be flown to Tenerife in the Canary Islands.
This delay and change of plans did not sit well with me. I was tired after our long flight from Vancouver to London, a train ride to our overnight stay, a one hour ride back to Heathrow London airport, not to mentioned the time taken standing in lines.
I whined and complained to the Lord as we pushed our luggage cart yet again towards the bus waiting to take us to our hotel in Tenerife. Why did this have to happen? We had prayed so earnestly that the flight will go smoothly.
There are times in our lives when thankfulness for situations and unexpected events seem difficult. However the Lord had prepared a surprise blessing within the unexpected turn of events.
The Canary Islands overnight stay turned out to be a blessing in disguise. It was the most beautiful hotel I had ever stayed in. Dinner and breakfast the next day was buffet style with scrumptious dishes that made it hard to choose from. The bedrooms were impressively big and the view when we stepped out of the lobby was spectacular. A short walk to the beach showed hundreds of tourists basking in the sun lying on colorful towels.
This was a mini holiday that we could not have afforded and it was free.
Are there situations in your life right now that have taken a different turn to what you had envisioned or planned? Are there delays that are beyond your control that have left you confused?
Wait out the storm and trust the Lord that He will bring you through it. Ask for the wisdom and discernment to know when you need to fight a spiritual battle, and when it is His hand, leading you to a blessing in disguise.
The Israelites were told to stand back and see the salvation of the Lord. They were facing the red sea in front, Pharoah and his army in hot pursuit, behind. There was nothing thankworthy in this situation but it was all part of God’s plan to get them to the promised land.
Let’s live with a Kingdom mindset and be willing to submit to God’s plan for our lives. He will direct our paths – there are blessings in disguise to receive!
In His Service,
Sohani Faria
Sound of the Lord Mission
E-transfer to soundofthelordmission@gmail.com
Website https://soundofthelordmission.com/donate/
Cheques in favour of Sound of the Lord Foundation
Mailing address: PO Box 33507 Central City PO Surrey, BC V3T 5R5 Canada
Pre-Authorized Debit – Email soundofthelordmission@gmail.com
We will contact you to set up the pre-authorised debit with our ministry bank account.
Items If you prefer to donate items that we can distribute, please contact us.
Thank you!
We would love to pray for & with you!
Prayer requests can be emailed to
Redeem the time and maintain a strong prayer life. Stay Blessed!
Rochelle Soza
Founder, Sound of the Lord Mission