Testimonies of God's Love & Goodness
Testimonies of God’s Love & Goodness
On Thursday, January 18th during our Bible Study we prayed for a 7 year old little girl, the niece of one of our team. The little girl’s toe had turned white and she was diagnosed with Raynaud’s disease. We decreed and spoke the healing word over her agreeing together in prayer that it IS God’s will to heal. The next day, I received a text with before and after prayer pictures. The toe was completely healed. We felt like the disciples who were amazed at the healings and miracles that Jesus did, and rejoiced with her family. Thank You Jesus, we lift Your name on high and give You thanks and praise! Hallelujah!
Testimony & Reflections from Isabel
Excerpts shared as received through email on February 3, 2024. Isabel is sharing her reflections on 2 Thursday evening bible studies. Shared in this newsletter with her permission.
Dear Rochelle,
I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for giving me the opportunity to participate in the ‘Abide to God’ Bible study. It has been an immensely enriching experience for me. This being my first time engaging in a Bible study conducted in English, I initially faced some challenges. However, with your guidance and the support of Father God, I was able to navigate through those obstacles and grow in my understanding of the Scriptures. I am truly grateful for your dedication and passion in leading this study.
The theme of this year’s Bible study, ‘Abide to God,’ led by our wonderful teacher Rochelle, has been truly inspiring. We have been diving into the Book of Mark as our main text, and it has been an incredible journey so far. On January 25, we started reading the book, and Rochelle posed a thought-provoking reflection question: In verse 15, Jesus said, ‘the time has come.’ I am grateful for this question because it allowed me to dig deeper into the passage. In that verse, Jesus was announcing the arrival of the kingdom of God and the beginning of His ministry. It was a pivotal moment, as He called people to turn away from sin, repent, and embrace the good news of salvation.
I wanted to share my reflections on our study of the Book of Mark, chapters 2, 3, and 4. After learning from you last night, I have come to realize that while the specific phrase ‘abide in God’ may not be explicitly mentioned in these chapters, there are several principles within them that have guided me in understanding how to abide in God.
I look forward to our upcoming sessions and the continued exploration of God’s Word.
With love and gratitude,
Excerpts shared as received through email on February 17, 2024:
Dear Rochelle,
I am writing to express my sincere gratitude and deep resonance with your teaching last night on the “Passion Predictions” in the book of Mark and the concept of the “Covenant of Salt.” The impact of these topics on me has been profound, and I feel compelled to share my thoughts and reflections with you.
Upon studying the “Passion Predictions” in Mark 8:31 and Mark 9:31, I was struck by Jesus’ remarkable awareness of His impending suffering, death, and resurrection. Your explanation of these predictions enabled me to fully grasp the extent of Jesus’ willingness to endure immense hardship for the sake of humanity and His unwavering commitment to fulfilling His divine mission. It is truly remarkable how Jesus not only foretold His death but also confidently proclaimed His resurrection after three days. These predictions stand as a powerful testament to His divine nature and offer a renewed sense of hope to all believers.
Furthermore, your insights on the concept of the “Covenant of Salt” in relation to Mark 9:49-50 have prompted me to contemplate its profound symbolic significance. Although Jesus does not explicitly mention the “Covenant of Salt” in this particular passage, your interpretation helped me recognize the profound message inherent in His words. The notion of being “salted with fire” evokes the idea of purification and refinement through trials or suffering. I now understand that this serves as a reminder to me to preserve my distinctiveness and faithfulness even in the face of challenges. Jesus’ call to possess salt within ourselves and to foster peace among one another has inspired me to become an agent of love, reconciliation, and harmony in my relationships.
These reflections have deepened my appreciation for the sacrificial love and redemptive work of Jesus Christ. They have reminded me of the central importance of His suffering, death, and resurrection in the Christian faith. I am now motivated to embody these truths in my own life and to continuously seek a deeper understanding of their profound significance.
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your teaching and for providing me with the opportunity to delve into these captivating topics. Your insights have proven invaluable in helping me grasp the profound messages contained within these passages. I eagerly look forward to further exploring the upcoming chapters.
Thank you once again for your guidance and dedication to our spiritual growth.
With love and gratitude,
Note from Rochelle:
I am blessed and so thankful to read Isabel’s testimony and reflections on how the Word is impacting her life. Isabel’s reflections are very encouraging to read and I hope you are inspired by her writings.
I have also received in-person feedback, text messages and phone calls from others who are in our Bible Study community. Thank you for all the great feedback. I am blessed to hear what the Lord is doing in your lives through studying His Word together. Glory to God, hallelujah!!
If you have not yet joined one of our studies, I invite you to join us and study the Word with us.
Stay blessed as we ABIDE in our Lord Jesus Christ.
With joy,
Rochelle Soza
Sound of the Lord Mission
The Royal Law
We celebrated Valentine’s Day just a few weeks ago. People crowded around card racks, stood patiently in line to have flowers wrapped in beautiful bouquets, and stores lost no time clearing out Christmas decor to make room on their shelves for Valentine’s Day.
We set aside a single day in the calendar year to celebrate those we love.
But God commands us to live in a state of another kind of love every single day, towards God, our neighbor, and ourselves.
Matthew 22:35-40
35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,:
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
“Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” is sometimes hard, and may even seem impossible in some situations, yet, it’s a command and not an option for believers.
Why is this so important? Because when we are doers of this commandment, we are obeying all of them.
In the book of James, this command is crowned with a description given to no other commandment.
James 2:8
If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:
In Matthew, it is again given a position next to the greatest commandment.
Matthew 22:40
On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
So, who is our neighbor? It’s not necessarily someone who lives next door to you or the man fallen on the side of the road. Today’s neighbor is someone that the Lord has brought across your path. Even those who we sometimes wish, we can show the exit sign.
- A co-worker or boss who takes pleasure pushing your buttons.
- A quick tempered spouse.
- An estranged child
- A sibling who is stretching your patience.
- A friend that has betrayed you.
- A previous church that has caused hurt and refuses to be held accountable.
- A neighbor in the literal sense that is anything but neighborly
- A ministry leader devoid of empathy and love.
- A parent who was not the best role model and has left deep scars in your mind.
The list can be endless.
As we journey on, I’m certain there are some such ‘neighbors’ in your life right now that you find hard to love. People who are hurting, will hurt others, though it’s not an excuse for their words and actions.We cannot embrace the burden of healing every broken relationship in our lives when it is beyond our ability and strength. When we do this, we will be like Peter who looked down at his feet and began to sink because he took his eyes off Jesus.
However, we must ask the Lord for wisdom and not be held captive by guilt and condemnation when we have tried our best to reach out and reconcile and have received nothing but rejection again and again. In this case, maintain healthy boundaries while cultivating a pure heart and mind before the Lord. It is important that while we wait, we still continue to love from a distance.
Don’t lose your focus from your calling, by being distracted by shiny objects the enemy throws across your path through others. Be a doer of the Royal Law but in so doing, love yourself by guarding your heart and walking with wisdom.
We trust the Lord that in time, He will make all things beautiful.
In His Service,
Sohani Faria
Sound of the Lord Mission
We would love to pray for & with you!
Prayer requests can be emailed to
Redeem the time and maintain a strong prayer life. Stay Blessed!
Rochelle Soza
Founder, Sound of the Lord Mission