Who is writing your story?
Can Clothes Grow with You?
Deuteronomy 8:4
Your garments did not wear out on you, nor did your foot swell these forty years.
When God brought the Israelites out of Egypt, delivering them from bondage and slavery, the people did not pack a suitcase for the road trip but they lacked nothing – even their clothes did not wear out. This is a divine, supernatural miracle!
They walked for 40 years on dusty roads, in extreme temperatures, in the sweltering hot or freezing cold desert. No malls to buy clothes and no walking shoes, but their feet did not swell. They remained strong, provided for, protected and cared for by the Lord even though they complained, murmured, grumbled and sinned by worshipping idols. God’s love and mercy, and His grace was abundant upon their lives, sustaining them throughout the journey out of bondage into freedom.
Just imagine the children and teens that left Egypt grew into adults as they walked through the wilderness and their clothes did not wear out – the clothes would have stretched and expanded as the people grew and remained in good condition. We are in a covenant with the same God who took care of His people when He brought them out of slavery.
He is the same yesterday, today and forever and He will care for, protect and provide for us, His people, today.
*Fun thought*: Imagine if Moses had a GPS and typed in ‘Egypt to Promised land’ (destination) and the GPS says arrival in 40 years! 🙂
Psalm 105:37
He also brought them out with silver and gold,
And there was none feeble among His tribes
Not only did the Lord bring them out of slavery and bondage but He made sure they came out with riches, provisions to start life in a new season in the Promised Land, land that God gifted to them.
There was none feeble. It IS God’s will for us to be well, to be healed and made whole, to live in optimal health and strength.
The Lord keeps His Word, His promises are yes and amen. All things are possible with Him. Believe and receive your healing, be well, be strong in Jesus’ name.
With joy,
Rochelle Soza
Sound of the Lord Mission
Who is writing your story?
It was a surreal moment to stand among the props and film set of my favorite Hallmark TV series “When calls the heart”. I was surprised to find out it was being filmed at MacInnes Farm, in Langley BC, Canada, in a fictitious town, 1.5 hour drive from my home. They were offering tours to fans and I jumped at it.
It was a beautiful, warm spring day, and I spent 2 hours wandering in and out of familiar buildings with the rest of the tour group, listening to Melanie, our tour guide, explain the details of what takes place behind the scenes of a film production.
As I snapped pictures and followed our guide, I wondered how it all began. It began with an idea for a story, a blank page, and a pen in the author’s hands.
Authors are creatives that can choose to add characters, remove them part way through the story, weave plots, and keep the story line going in any direction they want. The villain can become the hero after a change of heart, and two people in a ‘happily ever after’ marriage can be made to go their separate ways.
They can quicken events, spin the trajectory of the plot on a dime, and keep their audience in suspense, guessing the direction of the next episode.
I leaned on the fence, staring back at two horses grazing peacefully side by side. So, what about the Author of our story? The Author of our story is with us IN our story. The Word says, long before we were born, He knew us by name. Each of us has a story that is unique to us.
Some chapters are filled with pain, some with despair and confusion, others have excitement and joy in them. Our stories evolve and change, twist and turn, speed up or come to a grinding halt, because though He is the author of our lives, He gives us the choice to write parts of our story with the decisions we make in life.
Sometimes we try to erase chapters that He has written for us, because we don’t like the characters involved, or find that we are not the main character. We want to rewrite parts where our decisions have resulted in damaging consequences. Our tendency to snatch the pen out of His loving hands can leave us frustrated, confused and lost in a self-made maze.
Thankfully, we have a merciful and forgiving Father, who is willing and able, never turning away His children that bring half-finished sentences, crossed out scenes, unfinished chapters and torn pages, to His feet.
Trust Him to write your story, because when the pen remains in the hands of the heavenly Author, each sentence, chapter and paragraph will be filled with the fragrance of His divine nature, because He walks the pages of your journey with you. He will unfold your life to an audience that will marvel at the Author’s ability to turn around a mediocre script into an awe-inspiring narrative.
There is hope in every story.
Jeremiah 29:11
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
As I pulled out of the parking lot to head back home, I smiled as I saw the name of the town in big white bold letters. HOPE VALLEY.
In His Service,
Sohani Faria
Director, Sound of the Lord Mission
We would love to pray for & with you!
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Redeem the time and maintain a strong prayer life. Stay Blessed!
Rochelle Soza
Founder, Sound of the Lord Mission